Wednesday, 12 March 2008

Final Feedback for our thriller

the feedback we got from the class was really positive.
We got good feedback on the music and was told how the two different musics worked with the two different scenes and sets. We also got told that our last shot was really good as it looked like a frame with in a frame and they thought this was really effective. People also said that the title was good and effective and it worked with the idea of the film. People thought the timeline of the shots were really good as when you watched it through you got more information on what happened and what was going on and what the story might be about. People also said how they thought it was obvious how the scenes in the wood was present and the scenes and at the party were flashbacks and they thought the contrast of the two with the colour and the back and white was really effective. People thought the shots of the feet were good. We also asked the class if they thought we should have changed the name as we didnt have the footage of the cocktail glass. But the class said that the name was still good but it would have been better if we had filmed a scene using a cocktail glass. they also thought our titles were good and worked with the sequence. We also got told that our different angles and footage was good and effective. One of our comments was how they thought the party scenes were really good and we made it realistic as a club or a party. We thought someone might point out the small number of extras we had, but this wasnt mentioned at all so we're pleased that it worked out and people liked the scenes. We also thought a comment might be made how we only showed female party guests. But this also wasnt mentioned but when we asked if we should have tried getting more male extras we got told this gave them more questions to ask about what happened or that it might tell us what person the character is.

We did however got asked about the actress's name and wether we had made it go into the party shot on purpose. We had done this on purpose we knew that in feature films the actors name is on for longer and we tried it and we didnt realise it would also then be on the party scene. When we did realise this we thought this might be a good idea as it showed the main character so you link the two straight away and you understod who the plot was about.

We were also worried that someone might comment that our wood scenes arent all the same colour. Or that there was a flash of a purple scene but no one had made comments on the day for night. We think that it wasnt noticeable but was to us as we did know about all the problems we faced with it. But did say how they thought the black and white for the wood scenes were really effective next to the colour scenes of the party.

Overall we ended up with very positive feedback and we are pleased with our final opening sequence.


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