Friday, 1 February 2008

Filming The Party Scene

As we've already mentioned, the first part of filming will take place on Saturday 2nd Feb.
Our aim is to film in excess so that when we bring the material to be edited, we will have loads of shots to choose from. It may be that the angles we thought would work (from our animatic), don't quite look right and therefore we will need to shoot things we need more than once.
To really emphasise the party setting, we want an excess of shots with alcohol, dancing etc. We want to show there are loads of people as well so that it would be realistic for the girl to go missing without people neccessarily noticing straight away.
We face a slight problem as we aren't sure how the lighting is going to be. It may be really dark and when we import our material, we may find it's not useable (which would be a total diaster!!) so to overcome this, we will have to think of some lighting we can bring to the party if possible. I don't think the birthday boy would overly appreciate it if we made them turn the lights on!!
Still thinking of lighting, we want to add a LOT of colour in these shots as it will dramatically contrast with the second setting of the sequence, therefore adding to the sequences effect overall(hopefully). We may have some strobe lighting at one point, but only briefly as I think this would become very tedious for our audience if over used. We want different colour lights to make our shotsmore interesting, and in addition to this, we hope all party goers are dressed colourfully!
We are still unaware of what our actress is going to be wearing. We know we want her in a dress but what colour, we don't know. White was our initial idea, but now that seems a tad too obvious. It really depends on her wardrobe-although she probably has a dress in every colour under the sun!-and this is why we are going to meet before the party and see what looks best.
We know what kind of shots we want, and when editing, we definiitely want a fast pace. We will try and have the mysterious man standing in the background of several shots. This may or may not be noticed by our audience (well, for the first viewing anyway) but we can write about it when doing the assignment. We'll have him watching the girl as she dances etc.
We hope for a wide range of shots, high/low and close ups/long shots etc. And I really hope we can get this looking as good as possible!! WHOOP FOR SATURDAY!


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